Friday 8 June 2012

Second Death Guard Tactical Squad & Sculpted Shoulder Pads

Here are some WIP shots of the second tactical squad I've been working on. After reading a few great tutorials from Ron at From The Warp on sculpting and then molding shoulder pads I decided to have a go myself. I won't go into any real details on the process itself as i pretty much followed the way Ron suggested. The only real difference is that I used Mulliput for the reproduction shoulder pads as I found it to be softer and more easier to mold. It also sets rock hard so there are no flexing issues in the pads. I also changed the theme of the bases to a more urban setting from the original bases so I can't wait to see how it all looks once I've done some painting!


  1. Those turned out fantastic! Nice work!

  2. Thanks, its always nice to know you're heading in the right direction!
