Thursday, 10 May 2012

1st Terrain Piece Finished

I finished my first terrain piece the other day but its taken me until now to take any pictures of it. I decided to go for a simple quick paint job of a base coat of Adeptus Battlegrey followed by a wash of Badab Black and then a drybrush first with Codex Grey and then finally Fortress Grey. (Sorry i don't know what the new Citadel Paint equivalents are!). Here are a few quick pics with my Pre Heresy Death Guard so far.

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Terrain WIP

Here's just a quick WIP shot of some terrain i've been building. I'll apologies now for the quality of the picture, i just wanted a quick shot and the only thing to hand was my phone. I'm not sure if it will a gaming piece yet or more of a backdrop for photographing miniatures, we'll see as it comes along!